Analyze your song lyrics & music
SONOTELLER listens to music and creates a comprehensive summary about the song.
SONOTELLER is ideal for song analysis, lyric analysis and music analysis. It can identify musical attributes such as genres, subgenres, moods, instruments, BPM or key.
SONOTELLER can identify musical attributes such as genres, subgenres, moods, instruments, BPM or key.
AI engine is currently listening to your song
YouTube videos are used for demo purposes only (API needs your owned music files)
Enrich your music descriptors for music discovery and distribution with SONOTELLER.AI
SONOTELLER identifies the golden minute of a song (aka highlights including chorus)
SONOTELLER is in beta yet, so please allow some random issues and delays 🙏
Expect an average of 1 minute to analyze both lyrics and music
reach out to us if like to integrate with SONOTELLER API
đź“ş golden minute
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id nibh dolor. Fusce convallis sapien ut tortor auctor faucibus. Fusce vehicula, nunc sit amet tempor interdum, ligula libero consequat massa, ut pellentesque urna nisi eu erat. Nulla ornare quam non maximus efficitur.Moods
Happy, Sad, BDSBP, aosidh, ih asdThemes
Happy, Sad, BDSBP, aosidh, ih asdLanguage
Pop, Rock, etcSubgenres
Pop, Rock, etcMoods
Happy, Sad, BDSBP, aosidh, ih asdInstruments
Happy, Sad, BDSBP, aosidh, ih asdBPM & Key
Male#random, #recent, #trendy